
Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari

I picked up this book (Kindle edition) after  having seen super positive reviews from some of the fellow-readers on Goodreads, whom I can rely on. This is completely out of my regular reading genre and thought I’d give it a try.

The book started off great, with a funny and dynamic narration of Ansari’s anecdote. I immediately felt involved and was eager to read on. But soon enough, it got to a shedload of statistics and data regarding the lifestyle choices of the focus groups and Reddit users. Agree that the book is about romancing in the modern times but smearing it with a myriad of numbers and estimations is not for me.

Howbeit, I profoundly enjoyed Ansari’s quirky comparisons and food references (Ah! His loves Italian food is insane). To quote a few from the book:

  • “We may fantasize about having the best of something, but usually we are happy to have something that’s ‘good enough’.”,
  • “A rice cooker as a profile pic: Welcome to online dating in Japan”,
  • “Masturbating Across the Globe: One Man’s Journey to Find Himself” and my favourite
  • “If passionate love is the coke of love, companionate love is like having a glass of wine or smoking few hits of some mild weed.”

It definitely wasn’t a bad read but it took me two months to complete reading a book of 280 odd pages. For those who are habitually social media enthusiasts, this would probably be more relatable.

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